aminoMax 邁克仕 TOP KAN 能量磚 咖啡/紅豆/抹茶



豆餡、抹茶、寒天、黑糖、天然海鹽、營養添加劑(L-白胺酸、L-麩醯胺酸、L-異白胺酸、L-α安基異戊酸、L-精胺酸) 。


咖啡粉、砂糖、寒天、黑糖、天然海鹽、營養添加劑(L-白胺酸、L-麩醯胺酸、L-異白胺酸、L-α安基異戊酸、L-精胺酸) 。



▶TOP KAN 能量磚有效期限


庫存狀況 現貨

Feature of Product

Quickly eliminate hunger during exercise (142calories).

Adding BCAA, no preservatives

Special packaging design. It can be eaten with one hand squeeze.

No preservative. No copper chlorophyll

About this Product

It can eliminate the feeling of hunger and have a feeling of fullness during exercise. It will not cause a burden on the stomach. It is small and easy to carry. Special packaging design can be squeezed with one hand without tearing with both hands.

It can be eaten as a meal replacement before exercise

Suggested Usage

Children, the elderly and people during exercise should be eating in stages

Use special packaging materials that eat with a one-hand squeeze.

Don’t tear it apart and use it.


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